Write it Down- It’s Your Story

If you don’t write it down, will you forget it? This question often rolls around in my head like an office rolodex. Writing your thoughts on paper, journals, or on thank you cards, can capture a moment or an important thought. Many people might say, “Oh I can’t write or I’m not a good writer.” I say, all writing is valid, mainly because most writing is personal. Thoughts you have about certain subjects or issues can help you navigate through your day or you might learn something new.

How many times have you said, “I need to write that down,” or “I need to ask my parents, so I can write it down?” That story from ten years ago will fade into a faint memory without putting it in word form. It’s something many people don’t think about until you have forgotten the memory or until you run out of time. Writing things down can help in many ways.

First, writing clears your mind, helps you remember important aspects of your life, it also allows you to express your feelings when you may be having a bad day or worried about a certain situation. Writing is very therapeutic and allows someone to cleanse their thought processes and start fresh.

How many times have you written something and put it away in a notebook or just crumpled it up and thrown in the trash can? Lots of words floating around in your mind that need to be written down can easily change or lift your mood. Your thoughts or ideas may be groundbreaking or insightful to someone that may need to hear what you are saying .

Maybe your thoughts will someday be a famous quote , or the script for a movie or a singer’s album . Possibly it could be the lyrics to a famous anthem listened to by millions of music lovers.

I wonder if many of the famous authors, songwriters, or reality stars of the past or present thought their words would impact someone when they were writing their poems, stories, lyrics, and fiction. Or perhaps maybe their words become one of the most famous plays, movie scripts, or songs of the generations to come. Having your words etched into someone’s memory would be a huge goal that many would love to accomplish.

Remember, if you don’t write something down, you might be missing out on a life changing opportunity or just an opportunity to clear your mind, but both being very important in your souls purpose.

Check out this amazing journal that you could use for many years to come .

Thanks for reading ,

T. D. Scott