An interview with the amazing Meredith Underwood

Meredith Underwood of Pretty Wicked Moms

I had the privilege of interviewing the spectacular Meredith Underwood and she revealed some interesting things about her that you may or may not know . I plan on doing a phone Interview with her as I thought of a few other questions that I forgot to ask her . Take a look at some of the things that Meredith enjoys .

Question 1 if you could choose between having fame or being rich which one would you choose and why did you choose it?

– Being rich. A lot of baggage comes with being famous. And I don’t think that you can ever be prepared for that.

Question 2 If the camera crew is already filming someone waking up is that part authentic did they sneak in before you awake ?

– hmmm. who would let them in the door? 🙂

Question 3 what type dance was your favorite while taking lessons ? Jazz tap ballet hip hop lyrical contemporary ? And what was the hardest?

– Oh wow! I took it all!! Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip hop and Point for over a decade. I might have to say Pointe. That is the ballet where you are on your toes. It was amazing oh so difficult on your entire body. Ballet is the basic of all dance. Everything comes back to ballet.

Question 4 What is one thing you want your fans to know that we may not know already from the show ?

– that I live and breathe fashion! I know shocker!!

Question 5 Which mom on the show would you trust with the darkest secret ?

– Nicole B and Emily

Question 6 You said Brad cooks , what is your favorite dish that Brad cooks for you ?

– He cooks this amazing salmon! Its so good!!

Question 7 Have any friends from high school college days contacted you and said hey remember me?

– I’m very strict on my private FB page. That is where I can connect with my friends from back in the day and family. So no no one has come out of the wood work. But I do love reconnecting with people!

Question 8 I hear your a racing fan ? Any other sports that you enjoy ? Which ones are faves ?

– Im a huge racing ran. Their season goes from Feb-Nov. Not much for anything else!

Question 9 Pizza or Steak ? Favorite between to two

– Neither. right now Im loving on some bar-b-que!

Question 10 Are you a fan of the beach or mountains ?

– both! I love the beach and I love to ski!!

Question 11 What’s your favorite type music? Are you an 80’s music fan ?

– Im a boy band music lover! I go back to New kids on the Block! and Yes I still go to their concerts now!

Question 12 Have you ever been to visit Graceland ? If so what were your thoughts ?

– Nope

A Country Fried Road Trip

Our modern day Lucy and Ethel take a little road trip to the great state of Alabama , which is Nicole’s home . On the adventure to the Trunk show the girly girls discover an OASIS in the middle of the boon docks if you will . Which actually this unique little CAFE is only minutes from The University of Alabama Roll Tide . The college football National Champion town overflows with interesting places to eat and some of the best food in the south . We don’t usually see Glamorous Women with Glamorous dogs in here, explained one customer. When Emily walks in she declares, “I’m from Mississippi ” and she was gonna ride outta there on one of the gentlemen’s Harley bikes. The bikers immediately let down their guard and they all had a Hootin/Hollerin good ole time with the girls . The witty Emily even jokingly tried to tell them that a trunk show was where you pop open your trunk and let all your S#%! hang out. Nicole in the meantime boasted that Emily would open the trunk and dance for her customers . Another famous one liner from Nicole tonight was, “Biker Gangs are like Pirates on land.” Nicole definately is a hoot and comes in at the perfect time with the perfect saying. At this point during the cheeseburger palooza , they no longer felt like TUR-‘s in a punch bowl or is it flies ?!? These beauty queens sure know how to work a room . Further down the road our blonde comedians decide to take a bathroom break and Emily explains the proper way to go to the bathroom in the woods. Notice that Nicole never put Sommer down to potty, I guess she’d rather get ticks than sweet Sommer, LUCKY DOG!


After arriving at Nicole’s home, I believe Emily is a little homesick. The TRUNK show takes in all that moola and fun memories cause Emily to reflect on her decision to close the original swank. Boasting that she could sell water to a drowning man the tide was definitely rolling over these ladies. #Swanky selections were padding Emily’s PETA friendly pockets complete with a little hummus . An all around good time in BHAM.


The play date guru planned a picnic themed playdate for the remaining moms minus the traveling tricksters and the working wonder Nicole B. The play date looked jam packed and kept everyone entertained for most of the afternoon. Ending in a nap for a very sleepy camper. All the ladies seemed like they enjoyed the conversation. Marci and Meredith offered advice to Miranda about what they would do in each situation. I know from experience those years are very tough to figure out how to handle dilemmas that arise from time to time. The appointment with the doctor was very emotional on Miranda and these type situations are very hard for parents. I remember when my son was about two he had a few times of hitting his head on the door or would become very frustrated. His mom and I would stress frantically and diagnose him with everything from A to Z. We finally discovered he was having severe headaches that caused him to lash out during the pain. Also a diagnosis of ADHD and mild form of seizures was confirmed . This allowed us to take further action for the best results for his future. Today he is a happy ten year old that loves life and baseball.


There were many moments during the show in which all parents could relate . The horror that something could be wrong or the satisfaction of receiving the good news that everything is ok in your life . Making money is definitely fun for all businesses and having fun while doing it is certainly makes for a swanky adventure. I hope you enjoyed Shooting the Breeze with me about Episode 7 of #prettywickedmoms. Stay tuned for more fun with our #prettywickedmoms. Make sure you visit the #prettywickedmoms Facebook page and leave positive comments about the show. Don’t miss out on all the fun to be had in the next few weeks. Next week the moms take on the holidays and I think the moms travel to the North Pole. I wonder if their on the naughty or nice list? Tune In

~Mr Fantastic Cash

Pretty Wicked Moms Episode 6


Let’s Shoot The Breeze about Pretty Wicked Moms

Mississippi Bound The episode begins with a trip to Emily’s hometown and Pete is dreading communicating with Emily’s dad because of a previous confrontation . Emily I have to give it to you, that family house is a true southern home with beautiful antiques, just amazing . Y’all are truly a blessed bunch. The club house was the norm for us here in Alabama back in the day. Emily’s clubhouse takes me back to our neighborhood clubhouse we built from scratch and had a tire swing out back as well . We even nicknamed our group the Pine Ridge Panthers. While exploring Emily’s old stomping grounds Nicole asked, “did the animal just die here on the porch?” like Bambi just waited on Emily to come back and perished in the meantime? The wheelies Emily did on the four wheeler are fun. I know this from experience and have tumbled down a few hills myself . I’m a preparing a Q-Tip emergency kit for Nicole’s next visit, since she encountered mud in her nose ! Also, it is very refreshing to see how well Nicole Noles can fit into any family setting or situation . She is a true definition of a southern belle with hugs for everyone. Nicole’s one liners are what makes the show funny and interesting and her timing with these are spot on .

The Dee’s Family Bond – Emily’s family is a close nit group that really seems genuine from her sweet Grandmama calling her Em to saying that I didn’t spoil you Em people spoiled you . Also, I was impressed seeing Mr. Dee’s just be straight forward with Pete and clear the air so there were no questions about feelings between the two. A TRUE southern gent! A real life JR Ewing as I saw someone else say earlier today. Emily’s grandmother Peggy’s accent was southern with a sweet tone revealing her deep love for her sweet granddaughter .

The Perfect Party Miranda’s dinner party was very well put together and she seems to have a nice close family as well . The chocolate cake looked delicious I wanted to take a bite for sure . Next time Miranda just use some Southern Living coasters without the table cloth, because you will still achieve a formal look and this will save you tons of ironing time. 🙂 I understand being OCD because I am that way about most things, and my babysitter/nanny ironed all her bed linens, jeans, you name it she ironed it . I will say relax during the play dates because it doesn’t have to be perfect and you will certainly be stress free with a calmer attitude. RELAX ! @ENJOY ! By the way ARGH Matey’s -you can throw a mean play date!

Coming Home That yella/yeller diamond was a great reward for winning the basketball game against Pete – friend you have mad skills . Pete not too shabby yourself . This was very interesting to see where you went to school and that your coach is still there helping people achieve FAME whether it be in their own mind or in the halls of their Alma Mater . #TEAMEMILY takes on an appropriate meaning with your experience in sports .

Future PWM Meredith needs more air time she is very funny and has a great deal to say . Maybe we will see a bit more of our #prettywickedfriend Meredith in the episodes to come. I believe Meredith’s title as newbie should now be fits right into the situation. Kind of a rolls with the punches kind of girl . Marci was on the scene during the playdate and offered her expert advice to Miranda about her family experiences . Marci is very well respected as composed and that comes across so well on camera . Definitely the party planning Guru . I am sure there will be more great scenes with our #prettywickedfriend Marci .

I hope you enjoyed shooting the breeze with me about Episode 6 of #prettywickedmoms . Stay tuned for more fun with our #prettywickedmoms. Some of the #PWM followers were on Blogtalkradio with @oliviawilder which was fun . Don’t miss out on all the fun to be had in the next few weeks.

~Mr Fantastic Cashshoot the breeze cover pic

Tell me your Favorite thing about Pretty Wicked Moms ?

Look UP

Look up and see the beauty in everyday life ! It’s there you just have to Look UP